Thank you Trinity Lands from the whole team here at Live for More!
We are so blown away by the generosity of Trinity Lands. They have pledged $35 000 for next three years to support expanding our Tai Tautoko programme . This is the programme that supports graduates to continue to get free from their pasts and inspired to live positive and fulfilling lives. This support will help us achieve the main outcomes we have for Tai Tautoko:
- Out of the justice system
- In employment or course
- Drug free
- Overall mental wellbeing
- Not associated with organized criminal groups
- Out of Prison
Just quietly we have been surveying these results and we are very proud of our graduates so far. Watch this space as we will publicize these outcomes and how we are tracking with them once we have finished surveying the past graduates.
Thank you so much Trinity Lands, your generosity and support means a lot to us. It will help us to really achieve these outcomes for the graduates seeing them living positive, fulfilling lives!