Kaupapa | Purpose
Our purpose at Live for More is to empower rangatahi/young people to find freedom from their troubled pasts and be inspired to live positive and fulfilling lives. Through our surf therapy programmes, we transform troubled lives – one wave at a time.

Te Ihu | Our Reason for Being
We pursue high-risk rangatahi/young people who are disengaged from society. They are caught up in lifestyles of drugs, alcohol and crime, and they have slipped through the cracks of conventional intervention.
We understand that these rangatahi have begun life disadvantaged, behind the start line; their environment, their role models and even the everyday aspects of life have often not been healthy, positive or safe. The result being rangatahi with a loss of identity, lack of purpose and minimal belief in themselves; as well as feeling trapped in lifestyles of addiction, mental health and antisocial behaviours.
Everyone deserves to be accepted, to be loved and to belong. We all need healthy connections in life – with ourselves and our identity, to others, to our culture, to places, to meaningful activities and to wider society – to truly thrive in this world. We believe that with a strong identity and support, these rangatahi can be freed from their troubled pasts and empowered to make positive changes in life, improving pro-social behaviours and their overall wellbeing.
Live for More builds strong rapport and healthy, lasting relationships with rangatahi through our surf therapy programmes. Surf therapy has an amazing capacity to facilitate engagement, be a positive physical outlet and also increase connection and belonging. Alongside surf therapy, we also provide intensive clinical counselling, practical life navigation skills, mentoring and cultural sessions. All of this is aimed to empower self-belief, confidence and a positive outlook. With a renewed understanding of life and purpose, as well as their identity, potential and culture, we see rangatahi finding freedom for themselves and their whānau.
Belonging and connection are our foundation at Live for More – they are like the surfboard that we stand upon to ride the waves. We can’t surf without a surfboard, and we believe that people can’t thrive in life without healthy connections and truly belonging somewhere. At Live for More, we strive to be that unconditional love and support, providing a healthy foundation for everyone to stand upon. People are our top priority and we never give up on anyone. We always have time to support those who truly want to change and start riding a better ‘life wave’ than the one they are currently on.
The positive, fun environment at Live for More is like the ocean. As soon as anyone is in the ocean, they feel better and it starts to cleanse them as they relax, have fun and experience joy. At Live for More, we aim to be that place and space for everyone to experience joy, peace, calm away from any worries, and to just have heaps of fun. We always want our environment to be positive and healthy, a place that everyone loves to be – just like the ocean – as they learn to ride new ‘life waves’!
Being real and true with ourselves can be scary and it requires courage. This is like dropping into a big wave – it seems daunting, but it is the only way to progress and grow in our surfing. At Live for More, we believe that the same is true in life: we must open up, be real, show vulnerability and be honest with ourselves and others in order to grow and catch the big ‘life waves’!
Having passion gives us direction and helps us to stay on track. In surfing, we are passionate about making the most of every wave; paddling hard to catch the wave, constantly readjusting, learning and improving to make the next one even better! At Live for More, we’re so passionate about what we do that we don’t want to waste any opportunity; we are focused and purposeful in all we do. We want to help everyone make the most of the ‘life waves’ that will take them somewhere, provide opportunities, as well as be an awesome experience along the way.
The amount of strength, confidence and control you feel when you first pop up on a surfboard gets you hooked on a lifetime of surfing! At Live for More, we believe that to truly succeed, you need to have the confidence and power to take control of your life. We aim to always empower others by believing in them, so they have the support and backing they need to take control of their own lives and move in a positive direction. We want everyone to feel like they have just popped up on their own ‘life wave’ – confident, in control and able to achieve positive change.